Category: Community


Lincoln Young Professionals Group

The Face of Lincoln’s Changing Workforce The face of young American workers, their jobs and where they work is changing. By 2018, employers will see any many as five generations working side by side. More...


The Long Road to a Landmark

 by Ed Zimmer Nebraska’s beautiful State Capitol took a decade to build (1922-1932) and an expenditure of ten million Depression-era tax dollars. More than that, it took three tries to design and construct the landmark...


The Sunken Gardens

  “To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”      —Audrey Hepburn   Located on 27th and Capital Parkway, the Sunken Gardens is the perfect place to spend a summer afternoon. Whether looking...


Water for Food

Daugherty Global Institute at the University of Nebraska by Jesse Starita, Molly Nance and Dana Ludvik For generations, Nebraska farmers have made the most of their water resources through irrigation. In recent years, variable rate...


The Pinnacle Bank Arena

by Charlyne Berens The Pinnacle Bank Arena’s silvery finish and circular shape may make it look, from a distance, at least, as if a gigantic space ship has magically landed in downtown Lincoln.  The magic...