Tagged: development


Nebraska Innovation Campus

By Charlyne Berens Nebraska Innovation Campus is dramatically changing the landscape north of downtown Lincoln, but it also hopes to change the very city itself. “Nebraska Innovation Campus is a physical space, but it’s also...


Lincoln Growth

By Charlyne Berens Happiest city in the nation. Healthiest city in the nation. Best city to find a job. National leader in corporate improvement projects.  Lincoln is number one on each of those lists, created by Gallup,...


The Haymarket

by Charlyne Berens Nobody is trading actual hay in the historic Haymarket district these days, but the neighborhood is still hopping, offering Lincolnites and visitors alike plenty of opportunities for good times and fun. Situated at Lincoln’s...


P Street/Downtown Redevelopment

by Charlyne Berens Downtown Lincoln is reinventing itself, welcoming residents and visitors alike with a mixture of restaurants, entertainment, cool niche retail shops and businesses. And the P Street corridor is the heart of the reinvention. From...


Lincoln’s Original Plat of 1867

Planting the seed of a well-planned capital city by Ed Zimmer With its grid of east-west streets lettered from A to U and north-south streets numbered from 1st to 17th, Lincoln, Nebraska may not appear...


The Railyard

by Stefanie Harold Warner   The Railyard is a year-round entertainment venue for Lincoln residents and visitors. Nebraska’s first entertainment district offers restaurants, bars, live music, and a mega screen called the Cube. Live music...


A Forest of Woods Brothers

By Ed Zimmer It does not take visitors or new residents very long to notice that the name Woods can be found throughout Lincoln, Nebraska. Within a few months of my arrival in 1985, a...