Tagged: business


High School Focus

by Julie Nichols  “This hand is not the color of yours, but if I pierce it, I shall feel pain. If you pierce your hand, you will also feel pain. The blood that will flow...


Lincoln Heroes

by Patty Beutler Four people retired in 2021 from Lincoln organizations, leaving a swell of progress in their wake—and a deep hole to fill in their absence. Together they compiled nearly a century of service...


Lincoln Startups Are Still on the Move

by Brooke Zimmerman The startup buzz remains strong in Lincoln—a Silicon Prairie landmark brimming with opportunity for entrepreneurs. The large number of entrepreneurs on the rise has many wondering about the secrets behind the strong...


Should You Join the Chamber of Commerce?  

The Answer is Yes. Here is Why. by Brooke Zimmerman Recognized worldwide for their advocacy and representation of local businesses, chambers offer an unparalleled depth of resources to members within their communities. Now more than...