Tagged: unl


Miss Mie and Nebraska

by Mandy Haase Thomas A symbol of friendship, Miss “Miye” Mie has called the University of Nebraska State Museum’s Anthropology collections home since 1928, after the historic friendship doll exchange took place between the youth...


Lincoln’s Colleges

Lincoln is the proud capital of Nebraska. But it’s a college town too. From the flagship campus of Nebraska’s state university to our smaller private and public schools, Lincoln offers a variety of higher education...


Honor the Name

by Julie Hagemeier Lincoln on the Forefront of Emerging Media with a $20 Million Gift from the Johnny Carson Foundation and a $57 Million Commitment from the University of Nebraska        When you think of...

The Ross 0

The Ross

by Meghan Stratman The Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center offers an alternative to commercial movie theaters and shows the critically acclaimed films you won’t see anywhere else in town. Located at 13th and R...


A Tennis Community

 by Maggy Lehmicke Though Lincoln, Nebraska may not be deemed a hotspot for budding tennis stars, it’s certainly on its way. With the rise of Jack Sock, a Lincoln-native who has reached a career high...


Public Art Abounds

by Sriyani Tidball It seems that every year a new piece of art is unveiled in our Lincoln—a city that satisfies art lovers. There are more than 100 pieces of public art on display throughout...