Tagged: gardening


Magical Gardens

“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”  —Audrey Hepburn Lincoln’s lush public gardens infuse the city with vibrant colors, textures, and natural wonders, providing a tranquil retreat for all who explore their beauty. Discover a...


Fresh and Local

by Julie Nichols Bolstered by the Buy Fresh, Buy Local program at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, over 100 farmer’s markets are booming across Nebraska. Lincoln hosts two primary locations and a growing number of small...


Green Lincoln

by Julie Nichols Lincoln is home to all things growing—especially community-driven outdoor spaces. Our public gardens green spaces and wild parks make neighborhoods richer, offer learning experiences about the natural world, provide colorful waystations and...


The Sunken Gardens

  “To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”      —Audrey Hepburn   Located on 27th and Capital Parkway, the Sunken Gardens is the perfect place to spend a summer afternoon. Whether looking...


Veterans Memorial Garden

Remembering the service of our veterans by Sriyani Tidball The veterans of our military services have put their lives on the line to protect the freedoms that we enjoy. They have dedicated their lives to...


The Sunken Gardens

Just how much fun can you have on a cool, windy morning? Grace Carlson, 7, carries a flat of flowers, Saturday, May 14, 2011, during the annual event in which volunteers help plant flowers at...