Category: Recreation & Leisure


A Capitol Menagerie

by Ed Zimmer  The Nebraska State Capitol is a National Historic Landmark on the short list of America’s premier historic and architectural treasures. Our Capitol is also invaluable locally, marking this place, which we call...


Cultivating Diversity

Lincoln’s Multifaceted Cultural Centers by Sriyani Tidball  Over the past decades, Lincoln’s cultural landscape has undergone a significant transformation, owing to its status as a melting pot for various cultures, each with its distinct hubs....


Stay & Play with  Your Dog

by Michelle O’Dea Lincoln dog owners have a plethora of options when it comes to providing their furry friends with play opportunities. From spacious outdoor dog parks to formal centers, Lincoln is a city that...


Hotels in the Heart of Lincoln

by Cynthia S. Peterson There’s a lot to like in Lincoln. When you walk down a city street and say ‘hello’ to someone, chances are they are going to smile and say ‘hi’ right back....


Raise a Pint to Lincoln

by Tyler A. Thomas Since college, I’ve been interested in craft brewing and Nebraska’s unique history in the industry, so much so that in 2015 I published a book about it. And while Lincoln is...