Tagged: sports


Proud and Passionate about Baseball

by Karen Brokaw Everyone knows that Lincoln is the home of the Huskers and we are crazy about our college sports. The passion is for all sports, however, not just football. In fact, Lincoln is...


NEBRASKA ATHLETICS—Getting Back on Track

by Drew Guiney Nebraska’s breakup with Bo Pelini was ugly, as most one-sided breakups often are. Words were said—bad words—feelings were hurt, and tough decisions were made. When the dust settled, our head football coach...


Nebraska Athletics: Momentum in the Right Direction

by Drew Guiney Depending on whom you ask, a number of words could be used to describe the 2013-14 Husker athletic year. Surprising. Exhilarating. Confusing. Disappointing. Redeeming. Some might even give you their graduate-level dissertation on...


Lied Center Celebrates 25th Anniversary

WITH A SEASON OF  Marquee Artists by Carrie Christensen World-Class Line-Up Includes Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Yo-Yo Ma Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater Joshua Bell and Broadway’s Anything Goes The Lied Center for Performing Arts celebrates...


What it means to be a Husker Woman

by Maritza Hayes   An athlete is usually defined as someone with exceptional physical strength, agility, or stamina. This might define most athletes, but it doesn’t tell what it truly means to be an athlete...