Tagged: downtown


Lincoln Festivals

Fun, Food, Art and Music by Donna Joy Brakenhoff   Summer is the time for long days with hot breezes followed by short nights, for enjoying fresh produce, and the best season for fun and...


Sheldon Museum of Art

by Jorge Daniel Veneciano, Director, Sheldon Museum of Art    The strength of the Sheldon Museum of Art is its collection, a testament to unwavering support and collaboration established in 1888 by the University of Nebraska and...


Pinnacle Bank Arena

In a less-than-four week span in the fall of last year, Lincoln residents and visitors were able to see crooner Michael Bublé, country star Jason Aldean and rock legends The Eagles, all perform at the same place. by Paige...


Music to Your Ears

by SL Hansen   There’s nothing like a music festival for bringing people together, and Lincoln has a phenomenal selection. Throughout the year, you can attend different festivals focused on different genres in different locations. Downtown...

Multi-Cultural Centers Showcase Lincoln’s Diversity 0

Multi-Cultural Centers Showcase Lincoln’s Diversity

by Sriyani Tidball   People of color, including those of multiracial and multiethnic heritage represent an increasing proportion of the U.S. population, and today according to the U.S. Census Bureau, 40 percent of the nation’s population...

Getting around the City 0

Getting around the City

StarTran, Lincoln’s public bus system, provides a convenient, reliable, comfortable, safe and affordable way to explore Lincoln. StarTran buses operate throughout Lincoln, carrying passengers to popular attractions, shopping centers and residential areas from 5:15 a.m. to 7:15...


The Rococo

Located in the heart of downtown, the Rococo is a popular and unique venue for concerts, parties, weddings, movies, fashion shows and multiple other events. Occupying most of the first floor of the historic Stuart...