Tagged: art


Lied Center Celebrates 25th Anniversary

WITH A SEASON OF  Marquee Artists by Carrie Christensen World-Class Line-Up Includes Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Yo-Yo Ma Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater Joshua Bell and Broadway’s Anything Goes The Lied Center for Performing Arts celebrates...


Connect with Sheldon

by Jonathan Frederick Walz, Curator of American Art at Sheldon Museum of Art When students ask me, “So what exactly does a curator do?” I tell them a curator manages an ever-changing collection, much like...


Lincoln Festivals

Fun, Food, Art and Music by Donna Joy Brakenhoff   Summer is the time for long days with hot breezes followed by short nights, for enjoying fresh produce, and the best season for fun and...


Sheldon Museum of Art

by Jorge Daniel Veneciano, Director, Sheldon Museum of Art    The strength of the Sheldon Museum of Art is its collection, a testament to unwavering support and collaboration established in 1888 by the University of Nebraska and...


Lincoln’s Performing Arts

by Erin Thomas   Lincoln’s vibrant performing arts community features some of the most talented musicians, actors, and dancers in the region. Read on for a close-up look at some of Lincoln’s treasured creative outlets.  ...

Art Abounds in Lincoln 0

Art Abounds in Lincoln

by Judy Shutts Art galleries and museums in Lincoln are sure to please both newcomers as well as veterans to the art scene. A myriad of Lincoln galleries and museums make it fun to explore. The galleries...